What To Look For In A Digital Marketing Agency


The first thing you need to do before you hire a digital marketing agency is consider what you would like for your business. Do you want your brand's image to be better known? Are you trying to increase your social media followers? Do you want to boost sales? Whatever you're hoping to accomplish with your marketing, the first thing you must do is outline your goals. This will help you choose the most suitable digital marketing agency for your business.

Many years of experience

There are many digital marketing firms available online. Knowing your goals for business in mind can help you examine all the companies that you find and filter out the subpar ones. Take a look at comparing the performance of other clients with each agency you're looking at. It's usually visible in the portfolio section of their websites, such as this one.

The more extensive their portfolio is the more reliable the best seo agency is. If they don't have one, that's already an indication of fraud. Also, don't limit yourself to the experience they have with digital marketing in general. Check out their portfolio of clients and determine what results they've achieved for your specific company's model or sector.

A digital marketing company that has worked in your industry has the knowledge to assist you in achieving your goals.

Active Management

Communication is vital. If you choose to hire best seo company as your new employee, you're delegating key responsibilities to them, which means they'll need to keep you up to date with all the latest developments pertaining to your marketing campaigns. Each client should be assigned a dedicated account manager from a digital marketing company. This is the person whom will receive updates and queries from, give answers and provide feedback to.

You must be able to be a good friend to them because they will become part of your group. It is equally important to not treat them like an employee that you just control. They are the experts. If you're only handing them instructions then you'll be unable to take advantage of their knowledge and expertise and get poor results.


In the past marketing was all about creating the new big idea. It could be a flashy billboard, or a television commercial that was Hollywood production standards. These marketing campaigns were not easily measured. In today's day and age and particularly online, there's no reason for an agency not to make use of analytics to improve their marketing campaigns.

A company that does not provide an annual or weekly report to its clients should be considered a big red flag. Keep in mind that your marketing budget is an investment rather than an outright cost which is why you have the right to know how your investment is performing.


A ton of people are concerned about the expense aspect of hiring an agency. Let's break down the different ways agencies price their services. Each pricing model has pros and pros and. The one you choose ultimately is based on the amount your company can afford.

Revenue sharing

This is an "kill what you eat" model. Here the agency only gets paid based on the amount of income they bring to your company. It sounds great at first however, if they produce excellent results, you'll have to pay an enormous amount of the winnings.

Percentage of Ad Spend

This is where the agency gets paid off of the amount of money you invest in running ads. This model of pricing is a risky one because it encourages agencies to ask for bigger budgets for advertising in order to make more money.


This is the most straightforward alternative. It's as simple as paying an agreed-upon monthly charge to the agency. This is the pricing method that we use at ArcaneMarketing. For a quote, can contact one of our specialists.

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